Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Day 15 July 20 Lake Louise and Lake Moraine

When a ranger stopped Barb, Debbie, and Karen as they were chatting in front of the campsite, he asked if we had seen the grizzly bears that wandered through the campgrounds last night, we became believers.

Lake Louise gets all the publicity, but Lake Moraine is the more spectacular AND THE SUN IS SHINING!

The vista is absolutely breath taking, no words or photos can come close to describing the view.

Several of the peaks are topped with blue, white, and gray glaciers with waterfalls working their way down to the lake. 

The next vista for Karen and Barb is even better than the last! 

Does this scene look familiar?  John cooking and the rest of us drooling.  A tired, but happy group. 

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